Sales and Marketing Strategy
China marketing channels and sales points
Consumers in China are comfortable buying online, as shopping applications are extremely user friendly.
However, their expectations, behavior and needs differ significantly from what you might be used to.
Sales and marketing channels in China differ significantly from what you might be used to, so do the customer’s expectations, behavior and needs. Chinese culture and the way of communication is layered, often with a hidden meaning and implied messages. Some international brands mastered it and were rewarded by millions of devoted followers. Others did not.
Chinese consumers are comfortable buying online and very sensitive to information received through social networks. Renting a house, calling a taxi, buying shoes, fresh meat, paying for utility bills or subway, transferring money to a friend or even to a homeless person on the street is done by a mobile phone. It takes seconds to order and fragments of seconds to pay or receive money. Shopping applications are extremely user friendly and full of useful functionalities. Thus, one of the first things to consider is not really will you be selling online, but how are you going to do it.
We can guide you all the way through it, starting from an idea ending with the application/platform delivery and an official account setup.